Teachers and Students

We have studied and worked on this subject by making the subject in some subtitles. And here we can mention the troubles and our suggestions apart from the current solitions.
Problems arising from the management of the training program
Management of student services
Academic success
Media influence
Education budget
School environment relationship
Completed LTT
1st LTT
5-9 March 2018
The 1st LTT was held in Turkey between 5-9 March in 2018
2nd LTT
16-20 April 2018
The 2nd LTT was held in Italy between 16-20 April in 2018
3rd LTT
17-21 Sep 2018
The third LTT was held in Greece between 17-21 Sep in 2018
4th LTT
5-9 November 2018
The fourth LTT was held in Turkey between 5-9 Nov in 2018

Aim of The Project
We aim to overcome the problems of creativity and innovation of students with the activities. We plan in our schools and in transnational meetings. We have seen that the global success comes from only with the help of creativity and innovation of people. So, we aim to make our school a place where creativity and innovation will be supported. We will give chance to our students to express their opinions with no limits. We will let them apply their new thoughts at school and describe what school means as a place in our life. We will let students use technology in learning process. So, we can see how learning is important by doing and cooperating with each other.
We want our teachers to be more willing about making their careers more creative and more professional, more attractive and innovative. With the project activities and international project meetings, our teachers will enhance their professional development. With the help of this project, we will support them in dealing with diversity in the classroom. The project will let teachers express themselves and their new approaches freely. They will discuss new approaches on thier lectures, also discuss how to adopt them to their lectures.
Completed TPM
Completed TPM
1st TPM
13-17 November 2017
The 1st TPM was held in Turkey between 13-17 November in 2017
2nd TPM
5-9 February 2018
The 2nd TPM was held in Italy between 5-9 February in 2018
3rd TPM
21-25 May 2018
The third TPM was held in Greece between 21-25 May in 2018
4th TPM
4-8 March 2019
The fourth TPM was held in Turkey between 4 - 8 March in 2019
5th LTT
6-10 May 2019
The fiftth LTT was held in Lithuania between 6-10 May in 2019
5th TPM
2-4 April2019
The fifth TPM was held in Lithuania between 2 - 4 April in 2019
This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in” The content and management of this web-site are under the responsibility of Isparta Anadolu Lisesi the coordinator of the Project “Creative Teachers and Students