Teachers and Students

Best Practice Activities(by Italian Teachers)
Timetable for the meeting in ıtaly from 5th to 9th of february 2018
​5th February:
Arrival of the participants
6th February:
08:30 - Opening ceremony
09:00 - visiting the school
09:30 - Checking the last activities
10:00 - discussing the common problems in teaching English,
finding solutions to these problems, using technology in language
eaching (everybody will prepare presentation about it)
12.00 - Creative activities for teachers (Lithuanian presentation)
13:30 - Lunch
15:00 - City tour: exploring old Cosenza
16:30 - Free time
20:00- Dinner
7th February
09:00- Cultural trip to Bagnara, Scilla and Reggio Calabria
8th February:
08:30- Workshop: Choosing some WEB2.0 tools and discussing how to adopt them to teaching process, how to apply this tool in a class.
10:00- using E-Twinning: how to make teachers and students participate effectively
13:30- Lunch
15:00- Discussing the results of activity (Completing the story) and “My favourite lesson/teacher/activity is ... because ...” - Preparing a report about teaching English
16:30- Giving certificates
17:00- Free time
20:00- Farewell Dinner
9th February:
The 2nd TPM of the project “CREATIVE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS “ was completed between 6th -9th February 2018
The 1st day (6th February ) after the formal opening of the TPM ,the host partner introduced their school and friends to the guest.It was a nice experience to compare our schools and their schools.We have realized the importance of the project again because this project offers the good examples of partners.
Then the partners started to check the activities which they did during the last 3 months. We have already seen that all our students and teachers took the activities and surveys willingly. Then The English teachers explained the teaching methods of English in their schools and countries.
You can see the partners presentation about teaching English here Turkey GSBL Turkey_IAL Italy
Then all the partners discussed what we should do teach English better, and we decided to add the following thoughts to our report. Lithuanian partners stressed the motivation is very important.We should increase the motivation so it would be easier to reach the goals very easily. Also visiting different courses for teachers should visit different courses and see the different methods and how to adopt the projects based learning.Also they offered to have smaller groups in English lessons,and force students to speak,create different activities and do the activities with their groups.We also should organise language days at school,celebrate and make presentations.
Greek group also expressed the number of students in classes,and when the number of students is under 20 , teaching will be more easy.Also there should be dedicated classrooms for English lessons. So the teaching can be organized easily project based learning, and students can use all skills in teaching process. They also stressed the importance of reading and assigning the writing . Also we all expressed the importance of international projects like Erasmus+ .When students take part in these projects , they can learn easily and effectively.
Turkish group also focused on the speaking activities. In order to make English teaching better,we should give more importance to speaking activities.We ought to use activities such as role-playing , games about speaking .This will enable the language to be used and performed efficiently.We ought to determine the needs and interests of via surveys. These surveys will give us ideas about the activities that can be implemented during the classes. Also we should use technology in teaching process. These make the teaching process more effective and fun.

Also the ICT teacher Hasan GÜRFÄ°DAN explained 3 WEB 2.0 tools and how to adopt them to teaching process.They are Padlett, Kahoot and tagul . rapor ekle Then we used Padlett and did some activities.After all the partners prepared the common report about teaching methods of English better. Then the Lithuanian partners shared their creative activities.

On the 2nd day of the TPM (February 7) at 09:00, we gathered at the host school and set off the road to see the natural and historical beauty of southern Italy Calabria. Approximately 2 hours later,we reached to Bagnara city. After a brief environmental survey, we went on the road and reached the city of Scilla 30 minutes later. After a half-hour coastal walk through the narrow streets and small pensions we were at the castle of Scilla. Besides being a holiday town, the city, which gives a small fishing town air, attracted attention with its unique architecture. We visited Adorazione Eucaristica Perpetua and Fontana Sorinadellat Sirena temple which are the landmarks of the city.

Later we reached Reggiodi Calabria, an important harbour town, surrounded by vine yards. In the museum we visited parts of the Greek colonies of southern Italy and Sicily known as Magna Greacia, which show city signs, social and economic life, daily life, and funeral traditions.
We have studied the bronze male sculptures of the Hellenistic period called Riace Bronzes. In the meantime, we had the chance to see the Dionysus exhibit and the grave stele of the Hellenistic Revolution. After a visit to the museum we did a short city tour and we had our fatigue coffees on the beachside.We set out on the way back to Cosenza with a magnificent view of the Sicilian Island and the Etna Volcano at sunset.

On The 3rd day (8thFebruary ),the ICT teacher Hasan Gürfidan gave information about using E-Twinning and how to make teachers and students participate effectively in it. After his presentation, we did some activities about it.
Then we discussed the results of the activity (completing the story and My favourite lesson/ teacher /activity is …) All the ideas of the students were read one by one.We compared them with each other’s answers. They were really interesting and surprising. We saw that some of them were behind someone’s imagination, some of them were logical and some of them were funny and surprising. We learned from this activity that if the students feel relaxed and comfortable and if they are treated as an important part of our society they become more creative.
Italy surveys 1 - 2 Turkey surveys 1 - 2 Greek surveys 1 - 2 Lithuanian surveys 1 - 2
All the groups presented their survey results and we discussed about their answers. We talked about the reasons of their answers. We also discussed the students’ opinions about English and other languages and teachers. We saw that the most loved lessons change from country to country according to their education systems.
Together with all the participants, a report about English teaching was written and decided to share it with the teachers of participant countries.
At the end of our workshop, all the participants were given the certificates about the second TPM. Then wedecided to meet at the farewell dinner and ended our workshop.