Teachers and Students

The 3rd LTT of the project “CREATIVE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS “ was completed between 17-21 September 2018 in GREECE
First day / 17 September 2018
We met at school and fist of all, we listened to traditional Greek songs. Then, the students presented their presentations about schools/towns/cities/countries and cultures. After that, Fatih Ermez gave some information about creativity and innovation. He explained what what innovative solution is and asked the students to find innovative solutions for problems of refugees. Students were seperated into groups from different countries. The students shared their works with each other.
In the afternoon, we had a short city tour and some information was given about Kavala.

Presentations on refugees

Second day / 18 September 2018
In the morning, they started a trip to Mount Athos. They got on a boat and had about a three-hour-tour by the boat and were given information about the monasteries built there.
Mount Athos is the spiritual capital of the Orthodox Christian world, consisting of 20 monasteries and approximately 2,000 monks. It is one of the most important centres of the Orthodox Christian world, Located on a Greek peninsula, it is home to the oldest surviving monastic community on Earth. The way of life for the monks is practically unchanged since the first monks arrived in the ninth century. Most of the monks live within the walls of their chosen monastery, but others choose to live in complete isolation, away from any distractions.
Women are not allowed within 500 metres of the shore, and even female animals are prohibited from walking on Mount Athos. This is because the Virgin Mary is said to have visited the peninsula and prayed to have it as her own. It is believed that the presence of women might distract the monks, tempting them away from true celibacy and lead them to sin.
The students were let free in the afternoon and they explored the place. On the way to Kavala, we stopped to visit the birth place of Aristoteles;
Ancient Stagira located about 500 meters southeast of the current settlement of Olympiada, on a small, mountainous and beautiful peninsula called "Liotopi". The city occupied the two hills of this peninsula, i.e. the coastal North and a greater South, which are separated by a low strip of land. The location of the city, which is known as the birthplace of Aristotle, it is both identified with certainty from the reports of the ancient writers, and by the investigations of modern scholars.

Third day / 19 September 2018
All the students and teachers visited visited the prefecture first and the mayor next. Then they came to school and the students started to prepare role-plays about a refugee teenage. The teachers evaluated last year's activities and decided about next year's activities. All the responsibilities and duties of all partners were revised. In the afternoon, they visited the Filippi Theatre and the historical site and they were given some information about it.
It is the most important archaeological site of eastern Macedonia, with characteristic monuments of the Hellenistic, Roman and Early Christian periods.
The history of the site of Philippi begins in 360/359 B.C. when the colonists from Thasos founded the first city, called Krenides. In 356 B.C. the city is endangered by the Thacians and it turns to king Philip II for support. Philip had already foreseen the economic and strategic importance of the city, so he conquered it, he fortified it and he renamed it after himself (Philippi). After the battle of Philippi, in 42 B.C., the city became a Roman colony and its importance was stressed by the fact that it was located on the Via Egnatia.
A landmark in the history of Philippi was the year A.D 49 or 50, when Apostole Paul visited the city and established there the first Christian Church of Europe. This made Philippi a metropolis of Christianity. During the Byzantine period (A.D. 963-969) the walls of the city were reconstructed and at the same time the towers and the wall of the acropolis were built.

Fourth day / 20 September 2018
They met at school and the students presented their role-plays. We set up 4 international groups and each group prepared and presented their plays in front of the others.
1st group;
They prepared a role-play about economical problems of refugees. Two refugees decide to steal something as they had no money for food. But they were seen and some people called the police. As a result, these refugees were arrested by the police. After they were questioned, the police understood that they stole because of hunger. And the police helped them to find a job.
2nd group;
The second group prepared a role-play about a teenage refugee who wanted to find some friends. He met three teens on the way and wanted to join them. But one of them doesn't want him to join their group as it is not good situation for them. But others think that this is very normal. Then they discuss about it and then they decide to make friend of him. They are kind, respectful and understanding to each other.
3rd group;
2 teenage refugees come into a bakery. One of them talks to the baker and the other steals some bread. After a while, the baker realizes that one of them has stolen some bread. He called the police and the teenage refugee told the police that was caught, questioned and he told that he was hungry and his family was hungry too. But the police doesn't believe him and arrests him.
4th group;
This group prepared a role-play about a gay couple. They come to Greece and they go to school to enroll the school but their kid is not accepted to the school. Then they write a formal letter to the local government office.
Then they discussed about the problems of refugees and tried to find solutions for them. After that, Hasan Gürfidan asked the students to send their comments about the week they had in Kavala. And the partners gave information about their customs and traditions.

Fifth day / 21 September 2018
​They all visited the museum of Kavala and given information about the history of it. In the afternoon they had a closing ceremony and the participant certificates were given to all the partners.