Teachers and Students

The 1st LTT of the project “CREATIVE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS “ was completed between 5-9 March 2018

The 1st day (5th March ) After the formal opening of the LTT , the icebreaker activity was completed by the participation of all the partners. In this activity all the students introduced themselves one by one telling their names and one feature of themselves. This activity helps the students know each other and have funny time. The survey about Turkey was also delivered to guests. This survey will show us how much they know at first and trust each other. The students will share their thoughts ideas at the end of the LTT. So we can see that we have reached our goals or not.

Then the students had a chance to taste the Turkish homemade cookies and biscuits . Then all the partners introduced their school/city and country .This activity will be prepared in each LTT because while they are preparing and presenting it, they will improve their language skills and teamwork skills.

Then the international groups of students have been organized and in each group of the students have tried to find out / learn the difference between creativity and innovation . The students have made researches and prepared their reports . Then all the groups presented their reports to others .This activity helps them to improve their self- confidence and express themselves. Then the students have visited the museum.

2nd day (6th March)
On the 2nd day, the students studied the characteristics of a creative and innovative person . Then the students have prepared some activities about these features. Then each group presented their writings.

In the afternoon, they went to EÄŸirdir altogether. They first visited Dündar Bey Mosque and Madrasah. Then they went to Akpınar, a place on the top of a hill, to watch the view. Then, the group went to the island, visited a church there and had some free time to enjoy themselves. In the evening, they had dinner altogether at EÄŸirdir Tourism Hotel and Vocational High School and went came back to Isparta.

3rd day (7th March)
On the third day, the students and teachers left for Antalya at 8.00. Their first stop was Perge, Aksu –an ancient city from Romans. Then they had lunch in Aksu and left for the Antalya museum. After that, they visited Tekeli Mehmet PaÅŸa Mosque, Yivli Minare and Kaleiçi. They had some time there and discovered the attractions. They were given some free time for sightseeing in the afternoon. All of them were divided into groups and two Turkish students led each group and they discovered the worth seeing places. In the evening, after having lunch, they left for Isparta.

4th day (8th March)
On the forth day, the students were watched three videos about creativity. Then creativity and innovaton were discussed and emphasized. After that, they were asked to prepare an activity about how to prevent air pollution in Mars. They were asked to write, draw, make a poster or make a role play. Then they all presented what they prepared about the given subject.
They were let free in the afternoon.
In the evening, the headmasters of the two schools, the teachers and the students had a farewell dinner altogether.
5th day (9th March)
The teachers visited the Director of National education. Then students presented their studies which they had prepared a day before about Mars. They then finished their magazine papers. At the end of the session, they were asked opinions about Erasmus+ and the five days they spent in Isparta. They shared their opinions with the others orally and the session ended. They said goodbye to each other.
Finally the Project Magazine was prepared. Please Click to see e-magazine