Teachers and Students

Timetable for the 5th TPM in LITHUANIA from 2nd to 4th of April 2019
08:30 Opening Ceremony in gymnasium, visiting museum of gymnasium.
09:00 Studying / discussing about ICT teaching in our schools . What are the troubles , problems in ICT lessons ? How can we overcome these troubles and problems ? What are your suggestions about using technology in teaching period?
13:00 Lunch.
14:00 Excursion in Manor of Pakruojis
19:00 Dinner
3th APRIL:
08:00 Cultural Trip to Tarakai Island Castle
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Visiting the Tower of Vilnius Gediminas Castle
19:00 Dinner
4th APRIL:
08:30 How can we ( ICT teachers) cooperate other colleagues and help them using ICT in their lessons?
11:30 Preparations for Final report
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Giving certificates and closing the meeting
15:00 Free Time
Presantation Documents
1st Day:
The headmaster of the host school ,Rasa Bertuliene , welcomed the guests. Then school students performed the Lithuanian traditional dance. The students also performed traditional songs . After a short break the partners explained /presented about ICT teaching ,the common problems / troubles we face during teaching period. We discussed how we overcome these troubles and problems.After lunch the guest teachers joined some lessons and had chance to compare their teaching and host teachers teaching methods. We also had excursion in Manor of Pakruojis .It was explained that the first settler and their life.We also experienced about Pakruojis traditional handmade art (woollen art)

2nd Day:
We had a cultural day and visited Trakai Island Castle. Also we were explained the history of the residences. Then we visited the Tower of Vilnius Gediminas Castle.

3rd Day:
We studied how ICT teachers can help other teachers how to use new applications, WEB tools in their lessons. After the presentations we visitedthe school museum and learnt the history of Pakruojis and the school .We have checked the activities and studied about the final report.Then the certificates were delivered and had farewell dinner.