Teachers and Students

The 4th LTT of the project “CREATIVE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS “ was completed between 5-9 November 2018 in TURKEY
First day / 5 November 2018
08.15: All the students met at school and we had an opening ceremony. The headmaster Abdullah Yavuz Akıncı gave a speech and emphasized the international, social and cultural importance of Erasmus+ projects.
09.30: We visited the National Education Director, Ahmet Yıldırım, in his office. We gave him information about our project, introduced our guests and and informed him about our activities during the week.
10.30: We started our meeting with ice-breaking activities. We also taught our partners a folk dance, Zeybek,. Then, every partner introduced their school, town/city, country and culture.
13.50: All the students attended the 6th lesson and then we showed them 3 short films about tolerance and old people. Then we discussed about them and asked the students how they felt. Then we discussed the problems old people.
16.00: All the partners were let free to discover the city of Isparta.

Second day / 6 November 2018
08.30: All the students met at school and our trip to Pamukkale started.
11.00: We visited the ancient city of Hierapolis. The students were given information about the city and its historical importance. “It's about 20 km north of Denizli. It is called a Holy City in Archeological literature because there were many temples and religious buildings in Hierapolis. The ancient city is situated between several historical areas. It is known that the king of Pergamum, Eumenes II, founded the city in 190 BC. It was named Hierapolis after the Amazon's Queen Hiera, the wife of Telephos, the founder of Pergamum. Entrances and Main Street: The ancient city is divided by the main street which is about 1 km long. There are columnar governmental galleries on both sides. There are also monumental entrances at the beginning and at the end of the main street. The area is outside of the Byzantine city walls, because the gates, most of the main street, and most of the side streets were built in the Roman Period. The South Byzantine Gate on the south edge of the city is dated at 5 A.D. The well-preserved North Gate has two round towers and inscriptions in Greek and Latin honoring Emperor Domitian. That's why the gate is also called the Domitian Gate. The gate was built in 82-83 A.D. by Julius Sextus Frontinus. The gate is also known as Frontinus Gate because of its architect. The entrance is situated where the city walls cross the Street”.
Pamukkale, which has been used as a spa since the second century BC, literally means “cotton castle” in Turkish.
The travertine features have their origins in the shifting of a fault in the valley of the Menderes river (between here and Denizli). As the fault shifted, very hot springs with a very high mineral content (notably chalk) arose at this location. Apart from the slightly radioactive minerals, the calcium and hydrogen carbonate react to create calcium carbonate (also known as travertine) and limestone. This is what gives Pamukkale its whiteness and created the pools. The Travertines of Pamukkale are a set of bizarre calcium cliff bathing pools overlooking the town of Pamukkale.
Many years ago, Greeks and Romans discovered the curative properties of the warm mineral springs that are found in Pamukkale. Predictably, these springs attracted droves of tourists to the place, but not only to seek therapeutic comforts, but also to see the magnificence of the hardened calcium bicarbonate cascading over the cliffs.
Known as the Cotton Cliffs, it is a famous and stunning calcium structure that earned a UNESCO World Heritage Site title in the 1970s.
14.00: We had lunch altogether and then exploered the city of Denizli altogether.
17:00: Return to Isparta.

Third day / 7 November 2018
08.15: The students attended the 1st lesson at school.
09.00: Visiting the nursing home: The students visited the nursing home. They interviewed with the people staying there to discover their problems, living conditions, their life there and their expectations from other people.
10.00: The students were asked to prepare a roleplay/dialogue/video… about old people. They discussed about it with their partners and then prepared their assignments.
13.50: The students attended the 6th lesson.
14.30: Traditional Turkish Art: Ebru.
Our art teacher, Dilek Tutar, gave some information about Ebru and then she showed how to prepare its solutions, brushes and paints. After that all the students tried to make it. Their works were given them to take with them.

Fourth day / 8 November 2018
08.30: Cultural Trip to Antalya
09.30: Visiting Karataş Cave.
It is located in Antalya, Aksu, Yeşil Karaman, 23 km from the center of Antalya. In 2011, it was opened to visitors by a private family company. Cave Karataş has healing mud,various types of stalactile,stalagmite formation,pond and gallery and it has approximately 213 km lenght. Karataş is used as storage of weapons and in the treatment of wounded soldiers with healing mud in B.C 333 extraction of the Sagalossos during the reign of Alexander the Great.
11.30: Visiting Düden Waterfall.
It is located on the Duden River, 10 km north of the city centre, is almost a part of heaven.
Duden Waterfall is called as Alexander Falls as well and 10 km far from the city center. The paradise like hinterland of the waterfall is all in green. Source of the waterfall that falls from 20 m is at the Kirkgoz area 22 km ahead. Tombs engraved in the rocks can be seen beneath the waterfall.
Waterfall is worth for seeing through the caves beneath. There is also another water source at the base where waterfall falls. The environs of the waterfall designed as picnic area.
14.00: Lunch and then exploring the Old City and Marina together.
17.00: Return to Isparta
20.00: Farewell Dinner

Fifth day / 9 November 2018
08.15: Attending the first lesson.
09.00: The students presented their roleplays/dialogues/videos they have prepared about old people. Then the documents about the project were signed. Their certificates of participations were given. A general evaluation about the week was made. The next activities were overviewed.
12.00: The students were let free for the preparations of their departure.