Teachers and Students

22nd May
Visit to Thassos Island
All the partners met at 08.30 and we left the hotel for a visit to Thassos Island. We went to Keramoti Horbour first. We got on a ferry from there and it took about one hour. During the trip, we were given some information about the island. It is located on the northern side of the Agean Sea. It has got amazing beaches, villages, museums and sights. It also has a rich history and archeological remains. Its history goes back to ancient times, Phoenecian king Agenor (or the god Poseidon). It was invaded by many colonies throughout the history. It is a big island with a size of 400 and 16000 population.
We first visited the Arhangelos Monastery which the biggest and and most famous monastery of the island. It was built on the edge of a cliff in the village of Theologos and which has a magnificent view of Agean Sea. Then we visited the museum of Thassos which has important ruins from the civilizations settled in the island. After that we went to the city center, had a walk at the beach, had lunch, did some shopping and chatted with the local people. Then we returned back at 19.30.

23rd May
08.30: We met with the participants and visited the museum o Kavala.
09:30 We went to visit the Mayor. We had a meeting with him about half an hour and we were given information about the history of the city, people, and schools.
11:00 We visited the governor of Kavala, S. Theodoros Markopoulos.
12:00 We went to school 6GEL KAVALAS. Before the workshop, a group of students gave us a mini concert of cultural Greece Music. It was brilliant. Then we started our workshop about teaching maths
First of all, every country gave general information about maths lessons taught at their schools. We discussed the problems in teaching maths. Then we discussed about the solutions to these problems and after that we discussed about how we can use the technology to teach maths.
Greek presentation 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

24th May
08.30. We started the workshop and We wrote a report about maths teaching according to the results of the discussions we had the previous day, We agreed to share it in our schools with the teachers and the school principals.
14:00: We visited Philippi which is the most important archaeological site of eastern Macedonia, with characteristic monuments of the Hellenistic, Roman and Early Christian periods. The name comes from the king Philip II. The ancient city of Philippi, now the most important archaeological site in Eastern Macedonia, lies at the boundary of the marshes that cover the southeast part of the plain of Drama. The site was originally colonized by the people of Thasos, who, aware of the area's plentiful supplies of precious metals, timber, and agricultural products, established the city of Krinides in 360 BC. Soon after its establishment, however, Krinides was threatened by the Thracians (365 BC) and turned to King Philip II of Macedon for help. Realizing its economic and strategic potential, Philip conquered, fortified, and renamed the city after himself.
16:00 We visited the Baptistery of St. Lydia. It is next to the Archaeological site of Philippi. We were told that Lydia Purpuraria (1st century A.D) was born at Thyatira (Ak-Hissar), a town in Asia Minor. She became Paul’s first convert to Christianity in Philippi. She was the first European Christian to be baptized and is honored as St. Lydia the Philippian, celebrated on May 20th. In honor of Saint Lydia an impressive octagonal church – baptistery, decorated with mosaics and stained glass has been erected as well as the Centre for Historical Studies ‘Saint Paul’ in place of the baptistery of St. Lydia. The building contains a thematic library, exhibition spaces – meetings and conventions areas.
20.30 We had a farewell dinner and ended the meeting.