Teachers and Students

Creative Class activities
Students from the 11thgrade had creative work. The aim of the lesson: communicating, using active vocabulary for a description of a person. The students were divided into groups of four. Each group had got a photo of a person and had to describe him/her in detail. Then they exchanged the descriptions and according to them, they drew the persons. Also there was a discussion about advantages of creative work.

Paste Bridges
Perhaps most people know that pasta can not only be eaten. The most popular product in the world is mostly used unconventionally for making jewelry - necklaces and bracelets, from which you can create pictures or toys. However, one of the most interesting ways to use pasta is to build bridges.
students assembled 4 teams, used knowledge and fantasy, and constructed a bridge that can withstand the greatest load. The bridges are constructed from ordinary, any form of pasta sold in supermarkets. The rules of the engineering competition sound quite simple: to make a bridge from spaghetti and plasticine.
The amount of material is known when constructing a bridge from pasta, so the construction of the maximum load capacity is intended.
Plasticine is used to connect pasta. The maximum mass of the bridge must not exceed 1000 g and the maximum height of the bridge is not more than 200 mm, so the constructed bridge must comply with all standards of time and dimensions. It took 45 minutes to build the bridges.
After the bridges were constructed, they were tested and loaded with concentrated force in the middle of the bridge span until the bridge collapsed. It is important for students to realize that both real bridges and their projects from macaroni have the same characteristics. Bridges construction competition is not just a fun game.